# This iRule is a universal rule that applies to all configurations. # It will pull the true client IP value from the X Forwarded For header values. # and then inject it into the headers. # This iRule should be placed first before all other iRules to ensure the proper IP is # used when taking action. This iRule also ensures the localhost IP will not be blocked. # # Dependencies: NONE iRules / NONE DataGroups when CLIENT_ACCEPTED priority 110 { # Null out all universal variables # The TIP if exists statement can be problematic and mismatch values # when TCP multiplexing is used. Stand alone devices should not have an issue. if { [ string range [ info exists tip ] 0 15 ] && not ( $tip == "" ) } { return } else { set tip [ string range [IP::client_addr] 0 15 ] } # Do not use this if the above validation for TIP is enabled # set tip [ string range [IP::client_addr] 0 15 ] set bhost "" set buri "" set bqry "" set geo_s [whereis $tip abbrev] set geo_c [whereis $tip country] set geo_i [whereis $tip isp] set geo_o [whereis $tip org] set geo_la [whereis $tip latitude] set geo_lo [whereis $tip longitude] set allowed "" set waf_uid "" set sid "" set jsid "" set b_log "0" set r8luri "" set r8lwww "" set loginuri "" set waf_uid "" set waf_pass "" set uid2s 0 set baiu_host "" set IPreqCnt "" set UIDreqCnt "" set I2UreqCnt "" set U2IreqCnt "" set I2UCnt "" set U2ICnt "" set b_ip "" set b_uid "" set NOR8L "" set lp1 "" set lp2 "" set lp3 "" set lp4 "" set IPreqCnt "" set IPMaxReqs "" set UIDMaxReqs "" set I2UMaxReqs "" set U2IMaxReqs "" # 0 - NONE, 1 - LOW, 2 - MEDIUM, 3 - VERBOSE set BAIU_LOG_LVL 1 } when HTTP_REQUEST priority 111 { # Set HTTP Base Variables. Not needed if just using BAIU and less use of RAM but still will be minimal. # If using Universal HTTP Logger iRule, then these variables being set here now vs later is necessary. set bhost [string range [HTTP::host] 0 32 ] set buri [string range [HTTP::path] 0 128 ] set bqry [string range [HTTP::query] 0 128 ] ######TroubleShooting Headers ###### log local0. "TIP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - True-Client-IP Header value: [HTTP::header True-Client-IP]" ###### log local0. "TIP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - True-Client-IP Header value: [HTTP::header X-INF-Forwarded-For]" # If using Akamai who uses True-Client-IP which is reverse of XFF then use True-Client-IP section # Otherwise use the XFF section. To disable the unused section, comment it out. #################################################################### # !!!!BEGIN Akamai - True-Client-IP!!!! # This if exists statement is an issue when TCP multiplexing and has to be commented # Stand alone is not an issue if { [ string range [ info exists tip ] 0 15 ] && not ( $tip == "" ) } { return } else { set tip [IP::client_addr] } if { ( [ string range [HTTP::header exists True-Client-IP] 0 66 ] ) && not ( [HTTP::header True-Client-IP ] equals "" ) } { # The last True-Client-IP header will be grabbed if { ( [ string range [ HTTP::header True-Client-IP ] 0 66 ] ) matches_regex { [\w<>#@$%]+ } } { set tip [IP::client_addr] # This is used if your IP::client_addr value would be say another load balancer/router # w/ a private IP in front of the F5 #set tip "" return } set xff [split [string map [list " " ""] [HTTP::header True-Client-IP]] ","] # If the header ends with but is in a list of IPs then set the TIP as the value before if {$xff ends_with ""} { set tip [lindex $xff end-1] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - re-written." } } else { # If TIP appears normal then write TIP value as last IP value set tip [lindex $xff end] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - TIP value written." } } # If TIP equals then re-write to avoid blocking WAF TMM processes if {$tip eq ""} { set tip "" } if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - Saved re-wrote TIP." } #HTTP::header remove "True-Client-IP" #HTTP::header insert True-Client-IP $tip } else { if { ( [HTTP::header exists X-INF-Forwarded-For ] ) && not ( [HTTP::header X-INF-Forwarded-For ] equals "" ) } { if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - NO TIP Header - Using X-INF-Forwarded-For." } # The last True-Client-IP header will be grabbed if { ( [ string range [ HTTP::header X-INF-Forwarded-For ] 0 66 ] ) matches_regex { [\w<>#@$%]+ } } { set tip [IP::client_addr] # This is used if your IP::client_addr value would be say another load balancer/router # w/ a private IP in front of the F5 #set tip "" return } set xff [split [string map [list " " ""] [HTTP::header "X-INF-Forwarded-For"]] ","] # If the header ends with but is in a list of IPs then set the TIP as the value before if {$xff starts_with ""} { set tip [lindex $xff 1] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - re-written" } } else { # If TIP appears normal then write TIP value as last IP value set tip [lindex $xff 0] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - TIP value written" } } } else { set tip [IP::client_addr] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - NO TIP - TIP written." } #HTTP::header replace True-Client-IP $tip } } if { not ( $tip matches_regex {^[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}$} ) } { #HTTP::header replace "True-Client-IP" [IP::client_addr] #HTTP::header replace "X-INF-Forwarded-For" [IP::client_addr] set tip [IP::client_addr] } }