# This iRule is a universal rule that applies to all configurations. # It will pull the true client IP value from the X Forwarded For header values. # and then inject it into the headers. # This iRule should be placed first before all other iRules to ensure the proper IP is # used when taking action. This iRule also ensures the localhost IP will not be blocked. # # Dependencies: NONE iRules / NONE DataGroups when CLIENT_ACCEPTED priority 110 { # Null out all universal variables if { [ info exists tip ] } { return } set tip [IP::client_addr] set allowed "" set waf_uid "" set sid "" set jsid "" set buri "" set b_log "0" set r8luri "" set r8lwww "" set loginuri "" set lp1 "" set lp2 "" set lp3 "" set lp4 "" set IPreqCnt "" set UIDreqCnt "" # 0 - NONE, 1 - LOW, 2 - MEDIUM, 3 - VERBOSE set BAIU_LOG_LVL 1 } when HTTP_REQUEST priority 111 { ######TroubleShooting Headers ###### log local0. "TIP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - True-Client-IP Header value: [HTTP::header True-Client-IP]" ###### log local0. "TIP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - True-Client-IP Header value: [HTTP::header X-INF-Forwarded-For]" # If using Akamai who uses True-Client-IP which is reverse of XFF then use True-Client-IP section # Otherwise use the XFF section. To disable the unused section, comment it out. #################################################################### # !!!!BEGIN Akamai - True-Client-IP!!!! # if { [ info exists tip ] } { # return # } else { # set tip [IP::client_addr] # } if { ( [HTTP::header exists True-Client-IP] ) && not ( [HTTP::header True-Client-IP ] equals "" ) } { # The last True-Client-IP header will be grabbed set xff [split [string map [list " " ""] [HTTP::header True-Client-IP]] ","] # If the header ends with but is in a list of IPs then set the TIP as the value before if {$xff ends_with ""} { set tip [lindex $xff end-1] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - re-written." } } else { # If TIP appears normal then write TIP value as last IP value set tip [lindex $xff end] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - TIP value written." } } # If TIP equals then re-write to avoid blocking WAF TMM processes if {$tip eq ""} { set tip "" } if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - Saved re-wrote TIP." } #HTTP::header remove "True-Client-IP" #HTTP::header insert True-Client-IP $tip } else { if { ( [HTTP::header exists X-INF-Forwarded-For] ) && not ( [HTTP::header X-INF-Forwarded-For ] equals "" ) } { if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - NO TIP Header - Using X-INF-Forwarded-For." } # The last True-Client-IP header will be grabbed set xff [split [string map [list " " ""] [HTTP::header "X-INF-Forwarded-For"]] ","] # If the header ends with but is in a list of IPs then set the TIP as the value before if {$xff starts_with ""} { set tip [lindex $xff 1] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - re-written" } } else { # If TIP appears normal then write TIP value as last IP value set tip [lindex $xff 0] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - TIP value written" } } } else { set tip [IP::client_addr] if { $BAIU_LOG_LVL >= 3 } { log local0. "TIP: IP: $tip EdgeIP: [IP::client_addr] VIP: [virtual name] - NO TIP - TIP written." } #HTTP::header replace True-Client-IP $tip } } if { not ( $tip matches_regex {^[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}\.[\d]{1,3}$} ) } { #HTTP::header replace "True-Client-IP" [IP::client_addr] #HTTP::header replace "X-INF-Forwarded-For" [IP::client_addr] set tip [IP::client_addr] } }