Our Mission is to ensure we provide our client's with world leading Security expertise & solutions to ensure they are safe, secure, and never experience the pain of a breach which results in financial loss, reputation damage, and/or media fallout.
Our Mission also includes teaching our client's "How to do our job so they can replace us" so they can eventually take over, or at least inspire confidence in the work being done and share the knowledge since knowledge is power. We work with every client to any depth down the rabbit hole they'd like to go.
"Never Give Up! Never Surrender!" - Commander Taggert
Our Lead Engineer has been published twice by F5, first in Security Week and F5 copied the article over (With original link of course). The reality is this article sadly is still relevant to this day.
The head line reads:
"The first time I heard about distributed brute-force login attacks was from master web application firewall (WAF) administrator Marc LeBeau. At the time he was defending a hotel chain against attackers who were brute-force guessing customer passwords and withdrawing hotel points."
"Somewhere, something incredible is waiting to be known." - Carl Sagan